Hi, Sylvie,

Thanks for including Helene’s important poem twice in your blog. And we sure appreciate your words encouraging folks to read our anthology, too.

I’m enjoying your thoughts within your writing. And, after all these years of knowing one another, it’s interesting to communicate with you this way.

I’m able to linger on your ideas, admire your ability to use subtle metaphor, smile at your shy humor.

It’s kinda like having a pause and rewind button on communicating so I can be more present to and in your thoughts. And I need this within this swirling world.

Recently, my family’s life has been challenged with upheavals and even tragedy, so I’ve been unable to keep up with my former “routine.”

And this includes reading non-urgent emails. So, if it seems I’m not “around” because I have not commented, please know how much I glean from your writing. And, eventually I’m gonna read your One Good Thing messages: ALL of them.

In fact, they may be among the most intimate moments of my communication these days. For I’m realizing how precious it is to truly pause to hear beyond our expectations of what’s said to what’s felt, what’s needed. Not to just have my turn to “say” but to meld with another’s heartfelt attempts to make senses. (Yep, I made that plural deliberately.) To connect with someone’s ordinary thoughts of hope. Just to really hear another soul, sharing out of hope.

And certainly that’s a worthwhile outcome of your blog. Certainly that’s one good thing.

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Dear Maryli. Thank you so much for your kind comments. They mean so much to me ... more than I can express.

I am so sorry to hear about upheaval and tragedy in your family's life. If my little blog posts offer a little hope and comfort that makes me feel as though my efforts are worth it. But nonetheless I wish I could remove those difficult things from your life and your loved ones' lives. Please know I am thinking of you and holding you in my heart.

I love that you call me "Sylvie." For a very brief period you called me "Teapot." Do you remember that? I loved that, too. It made me laugh ... and laughter is one good thing!

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