Sep 23Liked by Sylvia Stocker

So, I first saw the video of Joe Biden and the Trump supporter’s hat moment on Seth Meyers’ late night show. Meyers showed the whole exchange and was obviously moved by the humanity of these two guys appreciating each other. I loved Seth for loving it.

I could remember an earlier Meyers’ video of Biden with Seth at an ice cream shop. They’d received their cones and were standing there holding them as Biden spoke with another customer - with the same welcoming “us” in his exchange. Seth is standing there in an uncharacteristic suit, holding a now dripping ice cream. Biden is still chatting. And Seth narrates his thoughts as we’re watching the scene. He honors Biden and says of himself something like, “Look at the goofy expression on my face.” And I looked and saw it dripping “us” in awe of Biden.

I loved that you included that hat video description.

I’m sorry you had two miscarriages, Sylvie.

And I’m glad you shared this information. I hope others who share their stories surrounding pregnancy and/ or its complexities feel the honor, respect, acknowledgment such experiences deserve.

Oh, and do you know that in Substack folks can hear your entries read aloud? (By a woman, who is most likely A.I. but has inflection that usually is quite natural and warm.) I like it cuz I can wash dishes and feel like you’re just there, talking to me about one good thing…

And the seemingly not so good stuff is good, within your thoughts since you bravely share it with “us.”

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I saw the Seth Meyers ice cream segment, but I am sorry I missed Seth Meyers showing the hat exchange. Maybe I can find that one now. I really like Seth Meyers's "Closer Look." I have never seen the whole show -- or any of the late night shows -- because I don't have a television or the wherewithal to stay up late. But I get the "Best of Late Night" column out of the NYT, and I see a smattering of opening monologues by clicking on the links on my computer. Anyway, yes, the ice cream segment was pretty funny! (And, just imagine!)

Once I got that talking Substack lady by mistakenly clicking something. I had the devil of the time shutting her up, because I didn't know what I had done to start her up! And now I cannot figure out how to make her come back. I am pretty sure listening to her would help me proofread. It is so hard to proof one's own material.

Thank you so much, Maryli!


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Well, I so empathize with how to find stuff on my devices AND once found, how to get it to function as I want.

Here’s what I think I know:

I Subscribe to Seth Meyers, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimble, and John Oliver’s programs. (All Free) through YouTube. They don’t show the entire program, but have segments: usually their monologues, Seth’s Close up and Colbert’s Mesnwhile, too. Oliver’s are complete and focus on one topic each week. Genius research, potty mouth🤫.

I don’t always watch them, but like that I can: on my schedule and while doing another task that requires minimal focus: dishes, laundry, etc.

We could get together and I could show you the bits I know.

Now how I know about the Substack lady:

I listen to Heather Cox Richardson, and she’s right next to you when I click in. (I’m very proud to know both of you, so admire your writing and thoughts.)

And let’s see…how do I get the lady to read both of you for me?

Look up in the far right hand section of the page and click on the forward/ arrow head shaped icon. If that doesn’t work, let me know.



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Sep 22Liked by Sylvia Stocker

Brava!!! Every bit of this is moving. Thank you.

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Sep 22Liked by Sylvia Stocker

Thanks, Sylvia! So well said. And Hi to that sweet Little Stevie!

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Oct 12Liked by Sylvia Stocker

Certainly very thought provoking. I shall ponder this often.

Thank you again for your insightful prose.

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Now I have to reread the post, because I forget what I said! Thanks for your note.

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Sep 25Liked by Sylvia Stocker

Sylvia, This post is wonderful! Thought provoking and so true. A reminder for responsible discourse.

Thank you, Cathy

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Thank you so much, Cathy!

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Sep 22Liked by Sylvia Stocker

We certainly do...

Very well said and heartfelt Sylvia

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Sep 22Liked by Sylvia Stocker

So uplifting Sylvia! Thank you so much. Jess

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