Thank you so much for this story, Sylvia. It is so easy to give up when things seem overwhelming, and this story, the poem, and your words are a wonderful reminder that what we do can matter.

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I like to think kindness begets kindness. I wonder what happened to the men who were helped by those Boston-area people? I hope they managed to stay safe all the way through the war. And, if they did, I imagine the kindness others showed to them probably emerged in other ways when they were called on to help others. Seems to me that's how it often works.

We live in a world of forces that seem so powerful. Well, they ARE powerful -- there's no denying it. And it's easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. But I still believe that what we regular, non-billionaire, people do and say matters. Even if we feel powerless, we are not, actually. Our actions can and do change things.

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